Parasites are the most
successful living organisms on the face of globe. These range from unicellular micro-organisms
to larger organisms such as helminth worms, and they live on the host’s body
robbing their food and nutrients for the parasites survival. The rate of
parasitic diseases in Asian countries like Pakistan and India is very high. These
infectious diseases kill millions of people every year in these poor countries.
Many human diseases are caused by toxins compromising the immune system of particular
body organ and then these parasites get advantage of weak immune system to
establish itself in that organ. When toxin or any harmful substance entered in
human body, the immune system becomes active to remove or kill the invader.
For example, according to some sources, A.I.D.S
acquired immune deficiency syndrome is originate by accumulation of toxin
benzene in human thymus gland, and then it’s allow the same parasite which
assist in causing cancer and also result in damage of other organs. Diabetes is
also an example. This disease is caused when the immunity of pancreas being
compromise with the toxin alcohol, other toxins, or overworked controlling
excess blood sugar. And this allows a parasite Eurytrema
pancreaticum, or pancreatic fluke of cattle, which establish there and badly
disrupt the pancreas ability to produce insulin.
above examples there are many other parasites that take advantage of lower
immune system function to cause many other infectious and fatal diseases. A
parasite Ascaris causes asthma, psoriasis, seizures, eczema, epilepsy, and soft
teeth. Fluke parasite is that which cause Muscular Dystrophy. The parasite Gastrothylax
is responsible to cause Down's syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis, and a kidney disease
Polycystic. Research shows that many neurological
diseases are caused by the parasite Echinostoma revolutum.
So there are few numbers of diseases which
caused by combination of toxins compromising human immune system but after that
the parasites taking advantage of that result in many infectious diseases which
even deprive infected person from life.
The other major diseases cause by these
parasites includes;
Digestive system and digestive tract problems
Skin diseases like itches and bowels
bowel syndrome
fatigue and many others
When symptoms are
noticed in the human body then often antibiotics are given to the infected
individuals to assist the immune system so that it can kill the parasites and
remove the symptoms. Modern researches show that these micro-organisms
(parasites) have the capacity to fight against antibiotics and many other
diseases by building a layer around them which is called protein coat. Researches
also show that many antibiotics just removes the symptoms for a short period
and with the passage of time symptoms appears again.
Now what is the
most appropriate solutions to kill these germs (Pathogens) from human body as
they even can resist the antibiotics. The best choice and alternative solution may
be LVPEF devices such as Hulda Clark ParaZapper™ by ParaZapper™.
This product uses mild electrical pulses to kill all kind of germs (pathogens)
like parasites, viruses, fungus, protozoa and other microbes from water based
environment and may have tremendous potential for improving health. Additional
research is needed to determine just what levels of effectiveness can be
ParaZapper is a trademark of
Para Systems, Inc.
5537 Balboa Ct.
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